NX> 700 Please review the install log for details. NX> 700 Server install completed with warnings. NX> 700 ERROR: Cannot enable systemd service. Performed the same steps, but a failure occurred: NX> 700 Running: systemctl restart rvice. The installation is pretty straightforward and within a minute you are ready to connect. Execute the following to install: sudo /usr/NX/nxserver -install Extract the tar.gz archive by running from command line:.Click on Download and save the tar.gz file in the /usr directory.The general installation instructions are: So, I grabbed the 64-bit tar.gz package from their website hoping it would give me more control if something goes wrong. They also clearly mention that the rpm is suitable for openSUSE 15.x. NoMachine have made an rpm package, a deb package and a tar.gz package available. I ended up using NoMachine and have never had to worry.
I had posted about my remote desktop experiments some time ago.